Canadian Space

Canadian space history - from the beginning to today.

Aug 7, 2020

Episode 3: HERMES, the Communications Technology Satellite

Canada's achievements in space exploration haven't just been recognized in the scientific community. In this episode, we're talking about how Canada's Department of Communications and NASA earned an Emmy accepting Hermes as quote: "one of the most important milestones in Canadian space history." The

Mar 2, 2020

Episode 1: Alouette

As the first world raced to space, in 1962 Defence Research and Development Canada were hard at work on satellites Alouette-I and Alouette-II to launch Canada onto the stage as the fourth country

Jan 14, 2020

Welcome to Canadian Space!

Welcome to Canadian Space. We will explore the history and science behind Canadian satellites, astronauts, space communication, and more. Our goal is to highlight the benefits our contributions have made to society and what will take us to the next level in the future.